Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students enrolled at another university
NOTE: Application process does not begin until we have uploaded all required items to the visiting student portal.
Required forms:
- Invitation letter
- Mentoring form (for visits longer than 6 weeks)
- English proficiency form (for international students) Download forms here
Please read the information below to ensure your request complies with the visiting student process protocol:
- The appointment can start on the 1st or 15th of a month (or the closest weekday if these fall on a weekend), and it must end on the last day of a month
- We need a minimum of 60 days to process domestic visiting students and 120 days to process international visiting students (i.e. all material must be in the portal 60/120 days prior to the requested start date)
- Visiting Student appointments can be a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 12 months in duration
- The Visiting Student fee structure can be found here
Fee exemptions:
- Harvard/Wellesley students are exempt from all fees, however, a discretionary cost object must be provided as a back-up
- Visits of six weeks or less and Fulbright students are exempt from most fees except the cost of the MIT Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) per calendar month (the monthly SHIP fee is about $270).
PIs may use a maximum average of 12-24 months each fiscal year hosting visiting students. Staying within this range allows all faculty the opportunity to host visiting students.
Cost object information:
Note that a CO is required for the processing fee even when the account may not be charged.
- Discretionary cost object for the $1,000 processing fee
- Discretionary cost object for the $625 per month student fee, if PI is covering the cost (this can be a non-required field)
- Cost object if the PI will be paying a stipend (this can be a non-required field)
- Discretionary cost object for faculty host back-up
Please contact the RLE visiting student coordinator, Amanda Keyes, at if you have any questions or concerns.